840534 | 18:1 DGDG(d18)
digalactosyldioleoylglycerol (d18)
18:1 DGDG(d18)
digalactosyldioleoylglycerol (d18)
DGDG is a type of glycolipid, a molecule in the lipid species with one or more sugar groups attached. 18:1 DGDG(d18) refers to the fatty acid composition of these molecules.
Digalactosyldiglyceride (DGDG) is considered a key lipid component in the membranes of chloroplasts, representing one of the most abundant lipids across various photosynthetic tissues, including algae and certain bacteria.
DGDG, and other glycolipids like it, plays a crucial role in membrane functionality. DGDG is involved in the activation of ATPase, displaying heightened expression in the peribacteroid membrane of nitrogen-fixing nodules in legumes. Furthermore, DGDG's impact extends to thylakoid membrane stack formation, chloroplast membrane biogenesis, and facilitating protein import into chloroplasts.
Recent insights have found that orally administered DGDG may have anti-cancer effects, expanding its potential roles beyond cellular processes and membrane dynamics.
Achieve better results in your research. Purchase quality, highly purified 18:1 DGDG(d18) from the world-renowned source for pure lipids, Avanti Research, in 1mg methanol packaging.
C 63.58%, H 11.51%, O 24.91%