868584 | 16:0-d31 SM


16:0-d31 SM


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16:0-d31 SM


Deuterated fatty acids experience exchange of the deuteriums on the alpha carbon to the carbonyl, i.e., C2 position, and will therefore be a mixture of compounds that are fully deuterated and partially deuterated at that position.

Light Sensitive
Molecular Formula
Percent Composition
C 63.80%, H 6.59%, D 8.50%, N 3.82%, O 13.07%, P 4.22%
1 Years
Storage Temperature
CAS Number
CAS Registry Number is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society
Formula Weight
Exact Mass

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PubMed ID: 32468822

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PubMed ID: 32156719

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PubMed ID: 32075856

Beckmann N, Becker KA, Kadow S, Schumacher F, Kramer M, Kühn C, Schulz-Schaeffer WJ, Edwards MJ, Kleuser B, Gulbins E, Carpinteiro A. Acid Sphingomyelinase Deficiency Ameliorates Farber Disease. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Dec 11;20(24):6253. doi: 10.3390/ijms20246253. PMID: 31835809; PMCID: PMC6941101.

PubMed ID: 31835809

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PubMed ID: 31279446

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PubMed ID: 31310676

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PubMed ID: 31279258

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PubMed ID: 304546074
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