860903 | 17:0-17:1-17:0 D5 TG

17:0-17:1-17:0 D5 TG
CAS Registry Number is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society
TG d5-(17:0/17:1(10Z)/17:0)
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PubMed ID: 30846479Contrepois K, Mahmoudi S1, Ubhi BK2, Papsdorf K1, Hornburg D1, Brunet A1, Snyder M3. Cross-Platform Comparison of Untargeted and Targeted Lipidomics Approaches on Aging Mouse Plasma. Sci Rep. 2018 Dec 10;8(1):17747. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-35807-4.
PubMed ID: 30532037Dinesh Kumar Barupal, Sili Fan, Benjamin Wancewicz, Tomas Cajka, Michael Sa, Megan R. Showalter, Rebecca Baillie, Jessica D. Tenenbaum, Gregory Louie, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Alzheimer’s Disease Metabolomics Consortium, Rima Kaddurah-Daouk & Oliver Fiehn. Generation and quality control of lipidomics data for the alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative cohort. Scientific Data volume 5, Article number: 180263 (2018).
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860903P-1MG-A-010 and 6147PGA010)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860903P-1MG-B-010 and 6147PGB010)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860903P-1MG-C-010 and 6147PGC010)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860903P-1MG-D-010 and 6147PGD010)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860903P-1MG-E-010 and 6147PGE010)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860903P-1MG-F-010 and 6147PGF010)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860903P-1MG-I-010 and 6147PGI010)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860903P-CONF-A-010 and 6147PWA010)