860586 | 18:0 SM (d18:1/18:0)

18:0 SM (d18:1/18:0)
As a major constituent of cell membranes, sphingomyelin is found at particularly high concentrations in the membranes of nerve cells (in the myelin sheaths) and red blood cells. It was previously thought to have a purely structural role, similar to the function of phosphatidylcholine, through intermolecular interactions mediated by the 2-amide group, the 3-hydroxy group and the 4,5-trans double bond of the sphingoid base1. However, it is now appreciated that sphingomyelin has a high affinity for cholesterol and that these two lipids pack tightly into liquid-ordered domains among a liquid-disordered phase to form lipid rafts1,2. These membrane microdomains are thought to function as signaling platforms that regulate the localization and interactions of proteins. But sphingomyelin does not just influence signaling as a component of lipid rafts — it is also a precursor to ceramides and other sphingolipid metabolites that comprise the sphingomyelin cycle or sphingolipid network1,2.
1. Christie, W.W. Sphingomyelin and related lipids. The AOCS Lipid Library.
2. Milhas, D., Clarke, C.J. & Hannun, Y.A. Sphingomyelin metabolism at the plasma membrane: implications for bioactive sphingolipids. FEBS Lett. 584, 1887-1894 (2010). [PubMed]
C 67.36%, H 11.44%, N 3.83%, O 13.13%, P 4.24%
1 Years
CAS Number
CAS Registry Number is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society
CAS Registry Number is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society
Octadecanoyl Sphingomyelin
Certificates of Analysis
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-10MG-A-018 and 6030PIA018)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-5MG-A-018 and 6030PHA018)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-5MG-B-018 and 6030PHB018)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-10MG-B-018 and 6030PIB018)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-10MG-C-018 and 6030PIC018)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-5MG-C-018 and 6030PHC018)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-5MG-D-018 and 6030PHD018)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-10MG-D-018 and 6030PID018)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-5MG-E-018 and 6030PHE018)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-10MG-E-018 and 6030PIE018)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-10MG-F-018 and 6030PIF018)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-5MG-F-018 and 6030PHF018)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-10MG-G-018 and 6030PIG018)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-10MG-H-019 and 6030PIH019)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-10MG-I-019 and 6030PII019)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-5MG-B-019 and 6030PHB019)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-5MG-C-019 and 6030PHC019)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-10MG-K-019 and 6030PIK019)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-10MG-J-019 and 6030PIJ019)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-5MG-D-019 and 6030PHD019)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 860586P-10MG-L-019 and 6030PIL019)