850182 | 08:0 PI(4)P
1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(1'-myo-inositol-4'-phosphate) (ammonium salt)
08:0 PI(4)P
1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(1'-myo-inositol-4'-phosphate) (ammonium salt)
Inositol phospholipid species are membrane-bound signaling molecules that have been implicated in almost all aspects of cellular physiology, including cellular growth, metabolism, proliferation, and survival.
CAS Registry Number is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society
PtdIns4P synthesis by PI4KIIIalpha at the plasma membrane and its impact on plasma membrane identity. Nakatsu, F., J.M. Baskin, J. Chung, L.B. Tanner, G. Shui, S.Y. Lee, M. Pirruccello, M. Hao, N.T. Ingolia, M.R. Wenk, and P. De Camilli. (2012). J Cell Biol 199:1003-16. [PubMed]
PubMed ID: 23229899Wang, K., Z. Yang, U. Nair, K. Mao, X. Liu, and D.J. Klionsky. (2012). Phosphatatidylinositol 4-kinases are required for autophagic membrane trafficking. J Biol Chem [PubMed]
PubMed ID: 22977244Hammond, G.R., M.J. Fischer, K.E. Anderson, J. Holdich, A. Koteci, T. Balla, and R.F. Irvine. (2012). PI4P and PI(4,5)P2 are essential but independent lipid determinants of membrane identity. Science 337:727-30. [PubMed]
PubMed ID: 22722250- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 850182P-100UG-C-011 and 5618PDC011)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 850182P-500UG-A-011 and 5618PFA011)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 850182P-500UG-D-011 and 5618PFD011)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 850182P-1MG-F-011 and 5618PWF011)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 850182P-100UG-E-011 and 5618PDE011)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 850182P-500UG-E-011 and 5618PFE011)
- Certificate of Analysis (Lot No. 850182P-500UG-G-011 and 5618PFG011)